Monday, December 24, 2012

A White Christmas - WAY Overrated!

So... What are you doing this Christmas?
Were you dreaming of a white Christmas? Did you get it? Well, we did! In fact, we’re mostly snowed in for Christmas 2012. But this also means that the kids and grands that were planning to come are snowed out.
Our current depth of snow is not unusual. We usually get enough snow after Christmas to be snowed in - but this year it came early. After a full week of more days with fresh snow than without, we’ve got a couple of feet here at the house and my Outback is just a hump in the deeper snow up where we park. Looks like it may be a long winter...
Have a Merry Christmas!

Yes, my Outback is under there - really!
And winter has just begun...
So, how long do you think I'll be snowed in?


  1. Holy Smokes! You really have a white Christmas. Sorry your kids and grand kids couldn't make it before the snow.

    We have a light dusting. Not even enough for a snow ball. LOL!

    Now you'll get to celebrate Christmas twice. Once without and the other with your kids and grands.

    Have a doubly Merry Christmas!

  2. I love your outlook, Felicia - I hadn't thought of it that way. You're absolutely right, this is an opportunity for celebrating twice! Not sure when that will happen, however. It's been snowing since before daylight and we're predicted to get another foot or so by tomorrow evening. Want me to send some your way?
